3 reasons why having professional family photos is so important

Booking in a professional family photographer can be a big deal, I totally get it. It’s a big investment, it sometimes takes a bit of convincing the hubby, and then the thought of what to wear and how the kids will ‘behave’ can be stressful. But I want to let you know that is totally worth it all! Here’s why: 

1.     Your children want to see photos with YOU in them. I know you often hear things like “get photos of your kids as they grow so quickly”. But think about how much you love seeing old photos of your mum with you as a baby. And how beautiful does your mum look? I know you think you might not be feeling your best, but believe me – in 20 years time you’ll look back at yourself in these photos and be so thankful that you captured this time.

2.     iPhone photos just don’t cut it. I am a culprit for taking thousands of iPhone photos, and then they just sit on my phone. I might share the occasional one on Instagram, but that’s it. They’re rarely nice enough to print. By investing in beautiful, quality photos, you will be more likely to print them. Kids love seeing photos of themselves and their family on the wall J

3.     Your kids always turn it up for photos for someone else. I always here “you must take so many nice photos of your kids!”. But the reality is I have to heavily bribe my toddler, and that’s even not a guarantee, and my baby just crawls straight to me! But if someone else is taking photos of my kids, they are so much more cooperative. And us family photographers have lots of tricks up our sleeves to bring out those sweet moments :)

Check out a sweet little afternoon spent with this family in their local park :)

If you’re interested in booking in a family or newborn photography session in Melbourne, I would love to hear from you! You can contact me here.


How to have beautiful newborn photos without needing to leave your home


How to pick a newborn photographer who is right for you